Jason Olson, Topsides Manager - Tubular Bells:
Today, what’s happening is that we are taking the main deck, as part of the topsides facilities, from a ground level position and moving it to the top of an already assembled cellar deck and production deck.
Mike McEvilly, Director, Offshore - Tubular Bells:
Tubular Bells is a model for Hess moving forward.
Jason Olson:
It's a big project in terms of not only the coordination of a lot of people, but also the importance to Hess. We've got fourteen cranes picking up a thousand-ton platform, and we're going to be moving it about the length of a football field and placing it on top of our top-side structure—so, up about a hundred feet in the air.
Jeff Wirth, Director, Offshore - Gulf of Mexico Asset:
Hess is very bullish on the Gulf of Mexico. We’re spending a lot of capital not only on these future projects, such as Tubular Bells and Stampede, but we’re also, we’ve got a lot of activity around exploitation of our existing assets. The future for the Gulf of Mexico, and the future for the offshore America's West Africa business unit, looks bright.
Stan Bond:
TBells has been extremely satisfying. The team was driven to maximize the value.
Mike McEvilly:
It’s a lean team and an efficient team, and it’s come together within a short period of time.
Jason Olson:
This project has been a stepping-stone in building trusted partnerships.
Stan Bond:
Chevron saw the value that we were driving on Tubular Bells and they’ve become a trusted partnership.
Jason Olson:
It’s a reassuring feeling having experienced personnel—not only experienced Hess persons here, but having Gulf Island, who’s done a lot of lifts.
Mike McEvilly:
It’s certainly something we can build on and expand on and utilize within the deep water, whether it’s Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, wherever.