Hess Values | Hess Corporation
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Hess Values

Our Values Guide Our Business


Our Corporate Values reinforce our commitment to traditional Hess strengths and underscore the qualities that define us as a leading global independent energy company. At Hess, six core values guide our actions as individuals at work and as a corporation: Integrity, People, Performance, Value Creation, Social Responsibility and Independent Spirit. They are the basic building blocks of our organization’s culture and represent our company’s collective conscience. While our strategy changes over time based on business conditions, our values are enduring.

Hess Employees on laptop

Integrity: Always Do The Right Thing

We are guided by the highest standards of ethical business conduct and by this simple principle: Do the right thing. Our goal is to build long-term relationships and trusted partnerships. We treat our people with fairness, honesty, dignity and respect.

Owner Relations

Mar 31, 2016, 11:02 AM
Hess Energy Partners

We work hard to be a trusted energy partner to the communities where we do business and to the leaseholders who make our operations possible.

Gaining and holding the trust of our neighbors and partners is essential to our success. That is why we are committed to maintaining an open and honest dialogue with our leaseholders and landowners about what we do and how we do it.

  • Owner Relations
Hess Offshore Worker

Independent Spirit: Move Quickly to Capture Opportunities

We are an agile team with a can-do spirit. We are committed to preserving the special qualities and unique personality that have made us a successful independent enterprise.