Hess features prominently in OTC technical presentations
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Hess features prominently in OTC technical presentations

  • Baldpate in the Gulf of Mexico

A strong contingent of Hess engineers and geoscientists will represent the company at this year's Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5 at Houston's NRG Park.

The Houston conference, the flagship annual OTC event, attracts energy professionals from all over the world who gather to exchange ideas and opinions that advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. Several Hess professionals have contributed as authors of technical papers that will be presented at the conference.

The following papers were authored in full or in part by Hess professionals and will be presented by them at OTC:


Room 600

An Integrated Approach to Stampede Field Development, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico,
authored by Hess Geophysical Advisor Gopal Mohapatra, Hess Geological Advisor Andry Nabasir and Hess Senior Reservoir Engineering Advisor Steve Strauss.

Reservoir compartmentalization, stratigraphic complexity and fluid contact uncertainty are the three key issues facing Stampede field development. These issues were studied in detail by integrating structural and stratigraphic interpretation using state-of-the-art 3D dual coil seismic data, fault-seal analysis, pressure and fluid data from wells, all scales and types of the core datasets, and results from a multi-disciplinary tool, Geo2Flow®, which helped in understanding compartmentalization, fluid contacts and framing the facies scheme. The authors discuss this multi-disciplinary effort toward the field development plan and highlight the challenges and actions to address them.

Room 610

Impact of Field Measurement and Advanced Analysis on Baldpate’s Continued Service Integrity Management Plan,
authored by Douglas Kemp, Hess Facilities Engineering Advisor and Y Moslehy, M. Kitson, R. Litton and R. Sheppard, each of Energo Engineering.

A Structural Integrity Management (SIM) program plays a substantial role in managing structural risks and reducing expensive deepwater in-situ repairs. Inspection and operating decisions and costs are significantly affected by what is defined in a SIM program. Baldpate compliant tower in particular features an innovative structural system and is among the tallest structures ever built. This paper provides details on the study performed for the Baldpate structure using field measurement, a rainflow simulation and its contribution to the development of a long term, risk based SIM plan.

Room 610

A Risk-Based Approach to Managing the Integrity of Aging Production Facilities in the Gulf of Mexico
, authored by Douglas Kemp, Hess Facilities Engineering Advisor

The challenges of maintaining integrity of offshore assets change constantly throughout the life of a facility. The adoption of an Integrity Management System (IMS) that integrates both risk-based and prescriptive practices can allow an operator to identify changing integrity threats and apply proactive mitigation strategies in good time. Successful use of an IMS can enhance safe operation and regulatory compliance while maintaining up time during declining production. The paper describes the challenges faced in applying these techniques within the Safety and Environmental Management System regulatory regime and Gulf of Mexico operating culture as well as reviews Lessons Learned in developing and implementing the Integrity Management Systems. In addition, the IMS facilitated the assessment of platform condition and remaining life and how this in turn influenced the remediation requirements and subsequent maintenance and integrity activities required to facilitate life extension is discussed.


Room 312

Impact of a Second Condensate Charge into an Oil Reservoir Evaluated by Downhole Fluid Analysis, Core Analysis and Production,
authored by Hess Senior Geological advisors Steven Uchytil, Jie Huang and John Guthrie; Hess Subsurface Manager Stan Evans; Hess Senior Reservoir Engineering Advisor Narayana Nagarajan; Vinay K. Mishra, Soraya S. Betancourt and Oliver C. Mullins of Schlumberger; and Stan Teerman and Anne Nguyen from Chevron.

In deepwater, evaluation of reservoir connectivity is a critical element in reducing uncertainties in field development planning. Downhole fluid analysis using wireline formation testers has made it routine to measure compositional gradients of reservoir fluids, both vertically and laterally. In this case study, areas near charge points of a reservoir are shown not to conform to density stacking during trap filling (in a connected reservoir) but instead exhibit a lateral fluid front with different density fluids at the same subsurface structural elevation across the reservoir.

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