Hess Achieves CDP Climate Change Leadership Status
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Hess Achieves CDP Climate Change Leadership Status

  • Hess - Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Recognition - 2024 v2 = Newsroom

Hess Corporation has been recognized for climate change stewardship in CDP’s Climate Change Scores for 2023, significantly outperforming the oil & gas extraction and production sector average, the overall North American regional average and the global average.

Hess has earned Leadership status for 15 consecutive years from CDP, an international nonprofit organization that runs a global environmental disclosure system. CDP scores are based on a company’s climate related governance, disclosure practices and management of risks. Ratings for the complete list of companies from around the world can be found at https://www.cdp.net/en/scores.

“We are proud to be recognized for our industry leadership in climate related performance, disclosure and risk management,” said Alex Sagebien, Vice President, Environmental, Health and Safety.

For more information about sustainability at Hess, including annual Sustainability Reports, please visit www.hess.com/sustainability.

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Hess Corporation is a leading global independent energy company engaged in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas. More information on Hess Corporation is available at www.hess.com.

Investor Contact:                                                         Media Contact:

Jay Wilson                                                                    Lorrie Hecker   

(212) 536-8940                                                             (212) 536-8250

jrwilson@hess.com                                                                     lhecker@hess.com

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